Quote from @JD Martin:
I'm sorry, but you have no evidence whatsoever that a downturn has any relation just because you feel it's so. Correlation is not causation. I don't know if you have an STR in this market (I do) but as
@Ryan Moyer noted below this is just nonsense. Anyone who thinks anybody cares about things like that when they are spending thousands on a vacation is just delusional. People go to Disney because they like Disney or their kids want to go to Disney. No one, except for maybe some real crazies, tell their kids "Sorry kids, we can't go to Disney because they're too woke - we'll have to pick somewhere more conservative". Dollywood has a "LGBTQ" day and Dolly Parton came out in support of gay marriage, yet no one is claiming Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge's downturn is related, because it's not - that's all nonsense.
Sorry my friend, you are usually pretty spot-on.....but your bias is causing you to miss on this one. I know you hang in different groups, talk to different people, read different papers, watch different news, etc...but this is a real thing.
Literally half the country is totally fed up with the woke BS and a revolt (of sorts) is underway. All you need do is find a conservative friend and ask if you can read their Facebook feed, talk to their friends, listen to their radio, or whatever flips your pickle.
Of course we can't blame Disney's downturn completely on this phenomena, there are other factors at play, as you noted.....but to ignore and ridicule this as you and @Ryan Moyer have done is just silly. Anyone who does, does it at their own peril. This is not simply 'market forces'. See Bud Light, or Target, or now even formerly conservative Chick Fila....
Companies need to stop. Half of the country - and that's a lot of people - are done with that game. And any savvy investor (that's all of us) needs to take note.
Just my .02....rant off....