Our tenants informed us a night before about swarming bees around the apartment. We went to assess it and in the morning we texted them that we are calling for an exterminator. We used this exterminator before for our other homes. Two hours later, I received a text message from tenant stating that he hired someone, paid $430 already and they are coming before 6pm. This happened around 2 PM. At this point, we had not made an appointment with our exterminator because they had not called us back yet. How fast were we supposed to act on this?
On side note; the bees never made it home, but "they were trying to get in their home according to him. WE dont want to pay for this which is very expensive service, we did not authorize it, he knew we were hiring someone, he did not want to wait for our exterminator, because it was "emergency." This tenants have lived in this apartment two months only, we had several issues similar ones. They are two young professionals with money, they have extremely high demands, they "know already" because they talked to their "xyz professional buddies already."
Thanks in advance.