We normally charge a flat fee of $1000 but we have implemented some competitor matching to reach out and prove just how good we are.
Also our company is different in that we are an independant intermediary. All we do all day is 1031 exchanges. I am not concerned with getting you to buy into 5 other companies products that are affiliated. We simply will do your exchange and do it right.
Losing your money is a real risk as we have seen a few times in the last year or so. There we companies out there that felt that reinvesting exchange funds into their other interests or companies that they owned was ok, when they really violated many peoples trust. Protect yourself by making sure you go with a company that has individual qualified escrow accounts that require YOUR signature to release funds, check references, look for longevity, Find out who the owners are, Is the company a member of the FEA, BBB, Do they have certified Exchange Specialists on staff, Do you get a real person when you call?, Are they bonded & carry E&O insurance in the name of the actual exchange company? Can you access your account information from the bank at any time?
These are all important things to look for. Not a lot of companies out there would steal your money just make sure to ask questions and make sure you are comfortable with the one you have chosen.
Good luck to you.