I'm Mike from Richmond, VA. I've lurked around here a while. Over the past 10 years I've gone back and forth as to whether I wanted to take the dive and I think I've finally convinced myself I do and the time is now.
Outside of buying and selling my own homes, my RE experience is limited.
I work in corporate america full time and make a good living financially speaking.
My skills and background are in finance, accounting, markets/behavior economics.
My passion is renovating my homes. I am very hands on in this area for I was raised in a very blue collar home where my Dad did everything. Being brought up lin that environment, I've never had any fear to take on projects. Whether it be carpentry, electrical, plumbing, windows, doors, flooring, hvac, landscaping Ive done and still do most of it. I dont hesitate to use experts as well. My plumber taught me a lot but I still use him. My best bud runs a home improvements company and i often hand him my paycheck for big projects. Its just a matter of time and/or whether i feel like getting involved....or funds. Whether i get dirty or not, I am comfortable knowing how things get done.
My goal right now is to simply complete one full circle deal. Buy, improve, sell. I would love for it to be successful, but my goal right now is to not lose money on this first attempt. After i reach this goal, i will asses what happened, what I learned, and whether I want to continue. If so, I will set a new goal.
Bottom line is Im tired of telling myself I should do this and now i am going to do it. If its good, Ill continue. If not, I wont have to keep telling myself I should do it.
Thanks for reading,