Yonah Weiss ,
thank you so much for your reply
very insightful
So even if I didn't take the $3,090.91 for Depreciation, it will be factored in as if I did........ even if I didn't ?
I was trying to leave this amount "in" as to have it factored into the Overall Rental income that I received
So definitely take the Insurance, Interest and Taxes that I paid on the Rental, correct ?
And does it matter what state that the Rental is in, as far as how a Lender will factor my Overall Earned income when determining what they will Lend for my next Rental ?
Lastly please,
I was told by a previous Lender, that they do NOT use the Rental income I received / claimed on my Taxes into consideration when they look at my Taxes , in Looking at what I earned in any Given Year.
Does that seem right ?
I have had / filed this Rental on my Taxes for over 3 years now, but ye they said they do/will NOT use the money earned from my Rental as Earned Income, and then adding it to what I also earned from My Job. I want to make sure this is Incorrect, or correct
Thanks so much again for all of your help