I don't mean to hijack the thread from the OP, but I have similar issues.
Suppose that it costs me $20,000 to put separate meters in my 9-unit building. Let's also assume that I only improve my cash flow by $200/mo overall, since I have to reduce rents accordingly if I don't pay water. Rentals in the area (Pittsburgh) seem to be split as to how they are handled, but most older multi-families like mine have the landlord paying the water.
In that case, do you think that the value of the building will go up enough to justify doing the work? Are there any other advantages or disadvantages to consider?
Sidenote: In this area water is lien-able, so it's common practice for the landlord to put the water in his name and pay the bill, then add that amount to the rent for the tenant when the unit is individually metered.
Sidenote 2: "Water" actually means "Water, Garbage and Sewer" in my area, and seems to be highly subject to random extra fees and taxes that local politicians love.