I will be attending a NWREIA vender's fair next week and I would like some advice on how to get as much out of the experience as possible. It is my understand there will be attorneys, contractors, realtors and other real-estate related professionals. Things I believe I need to know are:
What questions should I be asking?
Are there any red flags I should be looking for while I am talking with the various individuals and companies?
Is there anything I should not do while at the fair?
Of the various types of professionals, who would be most important for a beginner to build a relationship with? (I am thinking realtors, attorneys and property managers would be initially most important for my overall plans.)
What can I do to ensure that their first impression of me is as good as possible?
Would have been nice of this event was either later in the year or I had started last year. However, as always, the ideal situation is irrelevant. I may not be planning on doing anything for several more months, but I can still use the event to start networking and educating myself some more.