@Suvarna Joshi
Most of the out of state investors start out through turnkey route unless you have someone family/friend who can help you in that. You first have to narrow down the market where you want to invest, focus on learning as much as you can about the market online on a macroeconomic level. Identify few neighborhoods on micro level through networking, post questions on the forum, google street walk through,crime reports,school rating, census report on demographics and population migration etc. Once have some idea, find few reputable TK providers, vet them heavily by taking input and experience from their existing investors, fly there check their operations, tour the neighborhoods and quality of rehab, take notes. You see some legwork is involved but once all ducks are aligned and you are comfortable, it shouldn't be too hard to start. In the process you have a team in place. Also check if property mgmt is outsourced or integrated within their model. I prefer something inhouse as one stop shop. This is how I started as finding cash flowing in my area is very hard and I am after passive income stream so cashflow was important, any appreciation is icing on the cake. Hope this helps!