Depends on what you are trying to do. You can't act facilitate a sale between a buyer and seller for a fee and bypass your broker. Escrow will likely not provide an agent's commission to an agent directly, only to a brokerage.
If you are trying to buy a property for yourself only, and you don't want brokerages involved, then I highly suggest having an attorney draft the required paperwork for a small flat fee. If you are a licensed Realtor that practices at all, you should know of and have access to the standard CAR purchase agreements and state and locale-specific disclosures, and you should be used to filling these out all the time. If you are licensed but don't practice, you really should have brokerages involved, or at the very least have an attorney do it for a small flat fee. It's not about whether some random "Staples" contract works or not, it's about protecting the parties from lawsuits in the future (and as a practical matter, title companies here prefer the CAR forms anyway).