BRING OFFERS! Listed for appraised value of $240,000, but will consider all offers. Can be sold as entire package, mixed package or individually. Units need minimal to no rehab. All professionally managed at 10%.
Property #1
3689 Kerwin Memphis, TN 38128
3 beds, 2 baths, 1,111 sq ft appraised for $62,000 last July
Currently occupied and rented for $675 a month, can be rented for $700, lease ends 1/31/2017
Property #2
3401 Birdsong Ferry Memphis, TN 38118
3 beds, 1 bath, 976 sq ft appraised for $60,000 last August
Currently vacant undergoing turnover, market rent is $700
Property #3
3801 Brookmeade Memphis, TN 38127
3 beds, 2 baths, 1,322 sq ft appraised for $64,000 last October
Currently occupied and rented for $735 a month, lease ends 10/31/2016
Property #4
4272 Old Allen Rd Memphis, TN 38128
4 beds, 1 bath, 1,053 sq ft appraised for $55,000 last August
Currently vacant undergoing turnover, market rent is $700+
Do not disturb tenants.
Contact for more information.
Drew Castleberry (864) 906-3113