Originally posted by @Cliff Harrison:
Hi Alicia or Anyone else in this thread - is the Tax Rate for a particular area contestable? [...] Is there a process for challenging the levy rate on an area?
I don't think you can argue the levy rate / tax rate - I believe those are set by law. All you can do is argue about the market value, which then would raise or lower everything else. You would need to talk to the Jackson County Assessor about the market value.
I suspect some of the variation you are seeing is due to the school district. 64137 should probably be Hickman Mills schools. 64134 might be Hickman Mills or Lee's Summit, depending on where exactly the house is. 64130 is going to be KCMO schools.
There should be a breakdown on your tax bill of where it's all going. For my residence in Blue Springs, about 60% of the total tax bill goes to the school district. The fire department gets 13%, the city gets 8%, the county gets 5.6%, and then there are several other smaller pieces of the pie. That 60% going to the schools is why I think the school district can affect your bill a lot.
If you don't have the paper tax bill, you can look up your property at http://www.jacksongov.org/ascend . Punch in the account number (if you know it) or look it up by address; you should then be able to pull up an online copy of the current tax bill. This will have the breakdown for schools, city, county, etc on it. When I do that for my house, the website gives me an identical set of numbers to the paper tax bill that I got in the mail.
You should also get a statement from Jackson County in about the middle of the year that tells you what your property tax bill is *probably* going to be. It is not a bill; it is just for your information. It has the same breakdown for schools, city, county, etc that the actual bill does. I believe the idea of this is to incorporate any market value changes and tax rate changes that have happened since the first of the year, to give you a "heads-up" about what's coming at the end of the year.