Welcome. I’m from southern NH. I think there are decent options for house hacking in the area.
As far as an LLC is considered I would offer the following. An LLC is a legal structure and not a tax structure. The term LLC isn't in the tax code and YOU chose how the LLC is taxed. (Sole proprietorship, Partnership, S-Corp etc). What you choose is going to depend on your situation and the help of an experienced CPA can help determine the best choice.
An LLC as I said is a legal entity and can provide some legal protection depending on how it's set up and how you run it.
If you looking to do a VA loan then you're looking at residential financing and many lenders won't let you take title as an LLC with residental financings. You would have to take title in your/husbands name and use a quit clam deed to transfer ownership to the LLC after closing. In doing so a lender theoretically could take action on the"due on sale clause" although I hear this rarely if ever happens.
If this is your first property and you don't Have a ton of other assets to worry about protecting then I wouldn't worry about the LLC yet. I would find the property and put the title in my and my spouses name and make sure you have a good insurance policy on the property and a good umbrella for yourself.