So I cant see if the original post is there or not so I am going to try again.
Hi everybody, My name's Matt. New here... obviously.
I have not invested before, found the podcast, and here I am.
A little about me.
I'm 30 years old... and I grew up in Jackson Hole, which, if any of you know it... changed a ton while I was growing up. Now obviously that is a special case, but it gave me a first row seat in terms of understanding how real estate can change lives. What is now the Sotheby's in Jackson Hole used to be a double wide trailer... the guy who ran that business before he sold out started with virtually none of his own money and is responsible for a lot of the residential development in the Valley, including the house I grew up in. Needless to say, he no longer works out of a double wide.... he no longer works.
So I have spent the last 5 years plying my trade as a Gaffer/Design Assistant on bad television shows (not small... just terrible), before hitting the eject button on Los Angeles and heading to South America for 12 months. I have saved a fair bit of money, and have my Dad backing me with another junk of capital, and the idea of going back to LA is not appealing... so the plan is to get into real estate and go back to living like I'm in college for about a decade. All joking aside, I feel like a have enough of a capital base to get in the game, and I studies economics in school so I can at least digest the concepts, my side job is geographically flexible, I have access to some other sources of income, and I find enterprise interesting... my only regret is that I didn't start sooner.
The other reason I mention Jackson is that as much economic benefit as the development of the town has brought to the residents... its really not practical for most of us that grew up there to be able to go back. You want to blow your tits off, check that market out...haha. So as much as this is about investing, its also about trying to imagine where I want to be in 15 years, and what I want my life to look like. I think it looks like finding my own version of Jackson for my yet to be had kids to grow up in...
So the money I have is getting deployed in real estate. Somewhere, somehow.... I just hope Bigger Pockets can become that resource that prevents me doing something completely stupid with it. I have 200k in cash (which I could probably get to 400k), and about 200k in assets in the LLC I've set up with my Dad to pursue this, so hopefully if I'm wise I can have a sweet success story to share here on the forums in about 5-10 years. Which is to say, this is a long term serious enterprise for me, the cash flow is going back into the business.
My areas of interest are the Mountain West and Pacific Northwest, as well as Arkansas since the families existing portfolio is there (which I'm assuming responsibility for as part of this... (in one word ... $h!tshow). So if anybody has any insight to offer or point to as far as those areas are concerned, thank you in advance.
And thank you everybody for your posts in the forum... I haven't had a chance to really dive in yet but I know a lot of you have taken the time to share and make things easier for neophytes to jump in... and I appreciate it.