It has both positives and negatives. Everyone knows the pluses so I'll point out some minuses. (I'm in Arizona so your results may vary) Compensation can only be paid to a licensed broker so you can't pay "finder fees" to unlicensed bird dogs or wholesalers. You must disclose that you are a licensed agent in all transactions and many people do not want to work with agents. If you find yourself in court you will be held to a higher standard and could lose if determined that you used your superior knowledge to take advantage of a non-licensed person. You will have to pay mls fees, licensing fees, national association fees, local association fees, and broker fees. You will have to pay for and attend CE classes to keep your license current. If you violate any rules you will suffer the wrath of the department of real estate. Investor agents don't always save as much money as they think they will after paying broker commissions, fees, and doing all of the work. If all I did was investing I would consider canning my license.