Ive watched Allentown for a couple decades now... and I invest OUTSIDE their boundaries. Without getting political, you have to look closely at the policies and base your decisions. It wasn't all that long ago that lots of money was flying around for the NIZ... in fact look it up and you can see from the boundaries just how "political" and favoritism that was. Study history? Recall Reading, PA? This is a repeat of that. There is a TON of "handout" programs that run rampid in the downtown areas of both cities (income and housing related 'handouts')... connect the dots, these folks aren't going to willingly leave, then again its harder yet to get people that want to PAY to move into the area. It wasn't all that long ago that the esteemed mayor was indicted on corruption charges - found guilty too! I agree it will take deep pockets to change it. Then again, Allentown has been trying since we were kids... Easton kinda got their act together (having a large local college on your north boundary helps), Bethlehem got a shot in one area (then again a couple billion $$ casino doesn't hurt either)... but look closer at where a fair amount of casino workers are living.
So Allentown gets an arena - small, but decent enough (saves traveling to Reading for theirs). Im placing my bets that when all the tax incentives go away for companies to locate their offices downtown there is going to be a glut of cheap vacant offices (and apartments) that will get filled by the only people that want to stay in the area.... and that gets back to politics!
What completely made me walk from even considering the Allentown boundaries was hearing the city rental inspectors (yes, there really are "non essential government employees") yammering on about the importance of having a LICENSED plumber change a water heater in your rental.... after you have paid your poundage to the city inspection department for a PERMIT to change such water heater, and then have it INSPECTED for the purpose of a STICKER on the appliance.... all in the name of safety! (If memory serves me changing a water heater is pretty much a job that a 6th grader is capable of doing - but seriously, its not that challenging). What sealed the deal was the inspectors closing remark about having a PENSION... and that's when the lightbulb in my brain began to burn at over a million lumens - its all about feeding this guys retirement plan! Safety My @$$.... I was in negotiations to buy a 8 unit (in an opportunity zone - thats code for "crappier neighborhood, a.k.a "war zone") that would have cost me a fortune in city inspections.... all to have the privilege of partnering with the housing assistance office (more inspections and red tape) to house folks that have zero interest in actually taking any responsibility for MY investment - their home.
NO THANKS... there really are better areas for me to place my bets.
Im not down on the Lehigh Valley as a whole... but inside the 3 cities that have these repressive policies.... keep you decay and polocies.