@Nathan Smith. Here is my take on college. I was a dual Major in college while playing College baseball. I was able to Network and meet a ton of great people along the way. Turns out one of my best friends turned business partner I met while at school. I think there needs to be a great balance between learning and making connections. Today everything is internet based so the real lasting relationships are lost. This is a time where you learn discipline get a part time job and realize how much you never want to do that for the next 40 years.
The first 60 credits are nonsense there fillers so whatever school you go to can justify there insane price tag. Number 2 learn how to run a business, take classes that will help you out. Network with others. You may just find a buddy or two who are just as into it as you. Here is the aspect that others may differ with me. Your a kid. Go to the college football games with friends, grow as a person, play few video games and have a few laughs along the way. You have your entire life to be serious all the time. But your college years with discipline you can not only have fun but grow a business and learn . Hope this helps you out and best of luck to you