I do appreciate the recommendations and reminders to caution me not to violate any Fair Housing rules.
The reason I posted the question is not because I to take advantage of families or single person with children. ALL the renters I had in the past have children and pets.
I never had this situation arises for an applicant to add extra occupants AFTER I accepted the application that listed one occupant. My last tenant allowed extra family members, three more people, to live there, and I was advised to notify them they broke the lease and they needed to be checked, added to the lease, and with extra rent.
Please provide me a feedback to my initial question: May I keep the Hold Interest Fee if the tenant refuses to sign the contract. I think he now changed his mind to rent the place and at the lease signing he will nitpick the contract. I probably will not remove any stipulation then he can ask for his non-refundable fee back. I really cannot afford to lose any month's rent.
After reading all the discussions additional questions come up for me -
1. Can an applicant change the number of occupants after Landlord's acceptance? Yes or No
2. Does it make any difference to Landlord's rights to increase the rent if the additional accupants are related or not related? a) Yes, Landlord can change the amount if they are roommates. b) No, Landlord cannot change the amount if they are related or not related.