@Matthew Otto I don't agree with the "free money" aspect of the 401k and the match. How long do you need to be at your company for the 50% (max of 3% of your paycheck if you contribute 6%)?
It is true that your taxable income will be lower, but does that really matter? Think about how much you make and what it means for your bottom line.
This is the federal tax brackets for 2019.
12% - $9,701 to $39,475
22% - $39,476 to $84,200
6% of $50,000 is $3,000 and your company contributes $1,500. The $3,000 isn't enough to drop to the lower tax bracket.
If you saved it yourself, in 3 years you would have $9,000. That is nearly enough for 10% on a $100,000 property.
A good 401k is 6%, and 8% max. Real estate investments are averaged around 11% to 12% return.
This is just my opinion. I cashed out my 401k about 5 years ago after borrowing against it to buy my first house. What did I use the money for? To pay off as much debt as I could. The house I bought in 2010 has doubled in value. So much better than my 401k would have done. Even if the market crashes, I will still have the asset and people still need places to live. Oh, and I had about $8000 in my 401k when I cashed it out. I think I might have seen $5000 of it after tax penalty.
Run the numbers for yourself.