I can speak as an individual in this position. I have taken a course, be it online, to learn the basics of NPN investing. I have gone so far as to invest in an LLC and set up a bank account. However, I have yet to seriously pursue purchasing notes, despite my continued interest. I am held back by a couple reasons:
1) I am unsure if I want to pursue something that will be as active as NPN investing is. I prefer putting energy into something I can grow, and manage, and then back away from. I don't really want to put energy into creating another job, even if it is on my own terms.
2) I struggle to see how investing, even as a JV partner, ever gets me to my passive income goals. Without the ability to leverage my money, it would take a lot more money than I have. I've considered note funds ( assuming I can get 10-12%, as an accredited investor), but still fall back to rental real estate since I can leverage and grow more quickly. JV is also tough because I have to borrow money to do this. I have access to inexpensive money, however I would want some immediate income to pay off the costs of the money, and I know there's no way to guarantee this.
3) I live in Hawaii, and worry that my distance will end up costing me all my profits. This is generally what led me to note investing, since it can allow you to be relatively location agnostic. Still, it's one of my excuses for not starting. Just the cost to attend seminars, conferences, could cost me the profit from a deal. Everything I've read says network, network, network...hard to do from here (granted I'm not a natural networker anyways).
These are all mostly excuses...I acknowledge this. I think the best path for me is to find someone I want to work with, gain a little confidence in the space, and then make the ultimate decision to pursue it more seriously, or find another path. I think one of the things that would hold people back is the all or nothing expectation. It is hard to ease yourself into this space. That, and all my money would be tied up in notes that may or may not work out. It's hard to diversify without a great deal of capital.
Not sure my thoughts offer you all much, but thought I'd share where my mind is at.