@Melanie Stephens This is a great topic and I am going to break it up in different categories:
First, I am a huge fan of the BRRRRnB so rehabbing the house properly is key for me. Lessons learned for rehabbing a home: 1. Purchase the nice faux wood blinds especially if you allow pets. The faux wood doesn't bend and look like garbage when dogs run to the windows, Also, it is easier for cleaners to wipe down and they don't have to worry about bending or snapping them. Second, buy the taller toilets over the shorter toilets. The taller toilets are a little bit more expensive but well worth it. Two biggest reasons for the taller toiles is people who have some extra baggage don't flop on them cracking the seal and it is also easier for people to squat up and get off the toilet. 3. Do as much as you can to help be energy efficient. Proper installation in crawl space and attic and around windows. Keep those utilities bills down.
Insurance: Make sure you get property insurance that specifies or is okay with STRs. Some vacation rental insurance may not cover STR because of the state you live in may have a grey area for STR and they don't meet the same standard as a traditional leased vacation rental home. Just be sure an ask.
Documentation. Create a digital filing cabinet of all the paperwork and repairs that have been done. Also, cleaners that send pictures after the their cleans and have receipts for things that you have purchased. This makes it a little easier when dealing with Airbnb and if there was damages to your property. The receipts are important to show the value of an object that has been damaged.
CLEANERS. This is the hardest thing to manage in my book. But first ad foremost; cleaners that understand STR and the turn around. Educate them on the process if their are damages so they know what info to send you immediately; especially if you have guests coming. Cleaners who are willing to adapt to the software you use is so valuable as well. We are local STR managers, so we are boots on the ground but having a cleaning company that can help the process of reporting damages can be great.
I can talk about a ton of topics and would love to answer any other questions someone may have!!