Originally posted by @Adam Hershman:
Just something I wanted to clear up. There's a lot of talk about how it might be worth taking funds out of a qualified account (IRA 401k 403b etc) and leveraging it to purchase RE. While its true that most people expect that their taxes will be high in the future, its not as simple as pay now or pay then. First of all because qualified funds are tax exempt you have more funds to use, like someone mentioned above $50k after tax and possible 10% early withdrawal, would really net you a little over half, depending on your individual tax situation. The idea is then to leverage those funds. Well this sounds all well and good but if you were to invest $50k from an IRA you're investing $50k with no interest and any income is still tax deferred. Compare that to taking $50k out of an IRA cutting it down to around $30k with taxes and then say 2-1 the cash at a bank to invest, this means your paying interest to someone else and any income is not tax deferred, so while you're paying down the loan with the bank, you're also paying taxes on the income your generating.
Seems to me that as long as you aren't looking to generate income, then a qualified account seems like the clear winner.
This thread concerns self-directed IRA's with a custodian and allows investment in alternative vehicles free from any early withdrawal penalties.
Since 50k doesn't really move the needle for me given my real-estate investing goals I would propose something outside the box. I realize this is a real-estate investing forum so please excuse me if this doesn't add much to the thread by proposing something non RE related. I would spend $10,000 on "reproductive matter" (for lack of a better term) from a championship show horse, spend another $10,000 on a old mare (female) that was sent out to pasture but from a championship bloodline. The in vitro would cost another $10,000 approximately. I would then spend about $10,000/year for the next two years to board and train the horse. At this point I am 50K all-in and would begin to show the horse and hope it wasn't a dud and could compete at the national level. If the horse won some national shows it could be worth in excess of $250k!!! Not a bad "investment".