I am a homeowner looking to invest in real estate over the next 2-to 3 years. My home has appreciated about 160k from the high market but my problem is I have about 98K in Vehicle and consumer CC debt. If I sell the house I should about break even and have 0 debt but no house. If I cash out refi rolling the debt into the house my monthly payment will go up around $1100 but I will be saving money from not paying for debt and the car payments every month equaling a $1719 savings every month and my credit score will increase allowing me to purchase future properties. My question is based on the speculation that I can lower my interest rate in the future, lowering the payment amount. I plan to hold this property in the future and not sell it if I was to refi. Using it as my first rental property when I eventually move out. With everything going on I'm unsure whether I should sell, save, and start from scratch or go through refi the house and rent.