Has any BP Investors used the below strategies to sell real estate? Real Estate Commission Rebates is a great way to sell property quickly.
Example: $500,000 listing
Typical way sellers think they must list their home:
3% $15,000 Listing Agent (6 mo. listing contract)
3% $15,000 Buyer Agent
$30,000 Tax Free Equity = approx. $45,000 of Gross Income
Better ways to list, sell fast and save
1% $5,000 Listing Agent (3 mo. listing contract)
3% $15,000 Buyer Agent
2% $10,000 Seller Saves (Maximum Seller Savings)
1% $5,000 Listing Agent (3 mo. listing contract
3.5% $17,500 Buyer Agent
1.5% $7,500 Seller Saves
1% $5,000 Listing Agent (3 mo. listing contract)
4% $20,000 Buyer Agent (quickest sale)
1% $5,000 Seller Saves
Fact: The vast majority of listings are sold by Buyer Agents.
Therefore, when Buyer Agents are searching a zip code and see your property is offering 3.5% - 4% vs. the standard 3%, you can imagine the increased activity this can create.