I followed this path:
1) Schooling at UCSB. Having a college degree helped me reach my professional career goals landing me the job I have now.
2) Investing in Stocks after taking some basic investment courses, diversified portfolio with dividends reinvested. Some of my stocks have doubled or tripled. I learned to not put all my eggs in one basket. I buy what I like or know, products I trust or use for example (Amazon, Starbucks, Apple). If the stock tanks, I don't hesitate to ride it all the way down. I know when to jump. I consider it my back up nest egg as Social Security likely won't be around when I retire.
3) Leadership Training - professional job growth. Learned to lead a team of talented designers at a real estate software company. Watched and learned about real estate property management. Having worked for a large company of 6,000+ employees has taught me quite a bit about the business professionalism and the value of health insurance, 401k and all the benefits offered.
4) Advised my in-laws to purchase real estate investment properties and assisted with the financials so they could retire with passive income. Once they were successful, I took the plunge and bought my first income property. The real estate investments have provided good returns in all cases. I always bought low & made sure the properties had good bones. Through sweat equity, I've held most of the properties for at least a few years. Some I have cashed in for various reasons. But I have learned that as a small-time investor, it's best for me buy & hold (rent) for a year before selling to avoid long-term capitol gains. There's so much to learn in the RE industry and it's always changing/evolving.