Hello. I am considering this strategy and I was wondering what you guys think of it. I been saving up to buy my first deal. But with few deals in the Chicago market I was wondering whether it would be good to invest some of my savings into stocks? There are some great opportunities in the stock market.
I would invest 20% of my savings into the market and keep 80% of the savings in a high yield money market for when a RE Deal does come up.
This idea is that 20% that I would invest (buy and hold in the stock market) can double in 2-3 years as companies recover, at which point I sell that position and use it as a down payment on another real estate deal.
Long term would it make sense to take 20% of my income and invest into the market with the hopes of doubling the money 2-3 years then pulling it out and putting into real real estate.
Obviously I would keep saving the other 80% of my income from my job. I have a good savings rate and low overhead.
Thank you.