@James Masotti That's a great idea James I'm constantly I'm always driving all over Delaware right now New Castle, Wilmington, and Newark are the main areas that I'm in daily and I occasionally see run down buildings and homes for sale ill start incorporating driving for dollars into my daily activities. Thank you for the information!
@Kasan Kelley
@Kasan Kelley Ive always had a love for Real estate as well i went to a Vocational high school and my major was carpentry so i have a small background in the construction aspect of real estate but just like you said i was always one of the ones that thought it takes money to make money as well lol. I have a friend who stays in Brooklyn who i visit occasionally ill message you possibly we could meet up and have lunch.
Thank you @Shawn Kostoff its a pleasure. I welcome you and your wife to Delaware I've lived here all my life so i know the market fairly well. The property you purchased is it in Wilmington? I'd be glad to lend a helping hand anyway possible.