Hello there, I recently purchased a house, not sure what to do with the old one. I'm installing central air, new roof, paint inside and out, kitchen upgrade and bathroom. I was getting ready to rent the house, but recently I have some doubts about renting, it seems that is a nightmare, due to California pro-tenant laws.
1. Called 10 real estate lawyer in my area 9 were pro-tenants.
2. I had a conversation with the city inspector that did the inspection on my roof. He told me that ; a landlord he visited, had tenants growing drugs in the backyard, they took the landlord to court a won a judgment for $60,000.
3. The contractor I hired to do the bathroom, also told me that; him and his brother bought a house, the tenant paid the fist 6 months, then she stopped paying. The had to take them to court, and the court rule that they had to pay her to move.
I'm too old to deal with this, but I want to get some opinion for individuals that have done this for years. Any input be appreciated.