Request advice from anyone who is either a lawyer in Ohio or is knowledgeable and experienced with Ohio rental laws.
I have prospective tenants who signed a lease on 31st of October and paid security deposit same day. Lease started 1st of November. Their intention was to take possession of the property by end of this week. They've had "issues" doing ACH verifications on Hemlane and haven't been following directions. They haven't paid first months rent which was due today. I gave them time to figure out their ACH verification problems and even gave them a choice to make a payment in another way or through another platform. They have been very difficult to deal with past week. They haven't responded to my messages or calls in over 24 hours. Their intent was to take possession of the property by end of this week presumably the 8th which is tomorrow. They never gave me an exact date. I sent them a text with an informal notice that if I don't hear back from them about the changes in their arrival plans and don't receive the first months rent by tomorrow I will presume they no longer plan on taking possession of the property at which point I will make a formal legal notice. Now my question is once I give them the 3 days formal eviction notice for not taking possession of the property or paying first months rent am I allowed to keep their security deposit? Is 3 days enough for a notice? At which point am I legally allowed to relist the property for rent again? I am a first time property manager on my own and I have a lot to learn. I need help from whomever I can get before I pay a lawyer. Thank you in advance.