I've helped a few dozen buyers purchase in this market and we've never paid a premium for future revenue. If you property is generating a solid income and is heavily themed you can be at the top of the market, but not like what you have outlined as in a commercial property. Most agents will price one 5 bedroom the same as another and they will have wildly different qualities of furniture, location and revenue. To the buyers agent and the public, they have to figure out how to justify the price and you will have to prove it. To an appraiser and lender, the furniture has no value and there is no guarantee that all of the bookings will actually show up and pay. The PM could transfer or cancel them or the guests could decide to stay somewhere else once you inform them of the new ownership.
It is a bonus for a buyer to walk into bookings after a purchase and give them some piece of mind that they are getting enough revenue to cover the first couple mortgage payment, but thats about it. I've literally shown hundreds of STR properties and they have supplied me with a P&L maybe 15 times. If you have performance history that is tangible, that helps too.
Best of luck.