@Michael Crawford As a former pest control tech, treating fleas is nearly impossible if the pet owners do not cooperate. Complete treatment of the entire building has to occur in order to get it under control. Treatment of the outside HAS to be done as well. The pets have to go under flea treatment, if not it won't go away! Our landlords who contracted me would charge the tenant the flea treatment if they did not cooperate but it was within their lease agreement. Its similar to German roaches and bed bugs( the latter being the worst) in a sense that everyone in the building has to allow for you to treat inside their homes. Bedding , furniture, and clothing have to be either thrown away or treated as well. The legal side of things aren't in my wheelhouse, sry. You can treat the home yourself given you have access to a "do-it-yourself pest control" store that sells the same products we used as professionals. Hope this helps