Yes in my lease it states That’s Lessee also with hereby grants permission to lessor to show, and to new rental applicants to inspect, the apartment at reasonable hours of the day, within __________ (there’s a line here that that previous owner just put an x thru) of the expiration of the term of this lease.
Believe me, we have tried everything! She tries to sabotage every showing while we are showing her unit by being extremely rude to buyers, blasting the tv, talking nonsense about how the roof is leaking (roof was a complete tear off 3 years ago), not responding to any questions or greetings, giving menacing stares to everybody while following them around her apartment, etc.
We have now exhausted ALL options.
She has essentially scared away a few potential buyers because she presents herself as a nightmare tenant.
Before all the showings she was a dream tenant and she went all Dr. Jekyll on us...
We are very familiar with the eviction process because we have been in the RE business since the 1950’s.
But this scenario is a total first for us...
Just wondering if a judge would allow an eviction and what evidence we need.
We already have texts of her denying showings and the last text said we cannot show her unit until she moves.
Which probably won’t be for a little less than a year!!!!