Don't make fun of me, but how do you do that "originally posted by: @Will Barnard: thing??
Agreed, the financing does not make the property worth more, but I don't believe that is what she is saying. if her hard money loan costs are say $20k over a 5 or 6 month period, and by receiving owner financing, she can avoid those costs (or a portion of them), then she could "afford" to pay more for the purchase price in exchange for better terms which ultimately save money.
Yes, that is what I meant. Basically I would be giving this guy the money I would give to my HML. So he is happy because he gets a little more money, and I am happy because I got the deal. This creative financing stuff makes my head spin. I'm totally a one trick pony @Ellis San Jose !! :) But I'm trying to break free of that... I agree I wish I had someone who was good at creative finance deals in the OC area. I would totally split the profits so I can get the experience. Know anyone???