Hello. My name is Daniel . I've been living in Greater Miami for most of my life. I've been on and off searching for good property deals which have a fallen through.
I have no formal training in real estate investment. I found this forum through Reddit.com's real estate subreddit. The closest I've been to closing was in May where it reached the bank's appraisal. It was denied because of a Fannie Mae guideline that the bank follows which does not allow for an owner to own more than 10% of the total units. 2 out of 12 violated this threshhold.
I'm currently looking for strong returns on properties for cash flow or flipping houses. My father is a general contractor and he's very willing to help me in the flipping aspect my goals.
My current job is a lab technician/manager. I'm big into numbers and it drives me to see it come to fruition. I would love to grow my wealth and cash in Real estate to supplement my current employment. My range currently in the Little Havana area. It is near my current residence and work.
I hope I can find help/advice/tips and network through this site and in time return the favor as I grow and improve in this endeavor.
Sorry for the essay!