Hi Julie, This thread struck a chord with me. Thanks so much for asking the question and starting this topic. I didn't have much money as a child, so I became a "saver". I'm not so consistent that I am OCD about it, but there is a lot of overlap in my habits of thought and yours. One phrase that I heard from a spiritual healer once is, "Money is love." I've pondered this on occasion, and I think that extra money can be used in beautiful ways to make the world a better place and help people around us who genuinely need it. We can use extra money to have lunch with friends, join social organizations (as someone suggested), donate to charities or organizations that interest you, buy beautiful things, see beautiful and awe inspiring places, etc. So, next time you're looking at a dollar, ask Lincoln, "how can you and I make the world a more loving place?" Another spiritual approach to dealing with money is expressing gratitude when paying bills. As you look at the charges in your credit card or other statement, you can be grateful for the food that nourished you, the farmers, truckers, distributors, stores that sold it. And you can be grateful for all the workers in the world who helped bring you gasoline to your local station. And so on with other ordinary expenses.
I wish you all the best as you try to change your habits of thought into those that bring you more peace.