My contractor will be taking a look at it with me later this week. We will certainly look to see what we can in the crawl space. My initial observation was this will be a very uncomfortable space to work or get around in. There was at least 2 vents in the cinder block foundation so some ventilation.
As far as work it should have a full shed dormer put on the back second floor to enlarge the 2 upstairs bedrooms and bathroom.
First floor living room needs wall refinishing. Kitchen needs an update.
We haven't looked at the electrical or heating system. They may need replacement or updating.
Still my major concern is lack of a cellar. I would guestimate more than 95 percent of the homes in suburban Bostion have one. Without one am I just spinning my wheels considering this property? I could do a great renovation but the market may reject the home as being inadequate or cottage like. That is what I'm trying to determine.