Thank you Jeff. I appreciate your research and experience.
Yes, further research on my part indicates this is a scam. And I allowed myself to be scammed in the excitement of moving my dream forward. Painful lesson.
Yes, I was surprised when someone responded offering me quotes since I had to agree not to do soliciting when I signed up. Yes, I did respond thinking since solicitations were not allowed, was he a sponsor of some sort in the group. I expect the group to be closely monitored for these types of behavior, as I don't want them in here since this is to be a safe space to learn from each other. I trust he will be deleted from the group for breaking the rules we all had to agree to?
Although I see this as a safe space, there will be many of us at different levels of our business (me a beginner), I would hope we are not continually shamed for vulnerability in the group and tough learning lessons.
Thanks again Jeff. Appreciate it.