Decisions To Make, Advice Appreciated.
I have a 2 part plan to gain independence get started as an investor.
Part 1) My company is being sold and I am getting a pension cash out of about 100k (the catch is I don't stay on with the new company (I don't want to, however this means income and insurance stops and I will need to live off the cash until part 2...
Part 2) I have a home on 20 acres which I am tentatively planning to subdivide. Once (if they are subdivided successfully) I will sell the parcels to a builder. The builder is local and has a fantastic reputation. They are going to assist me in getting the subdivision done for a few (Around 10k) which will cover mostly every normal thing associated with the approval. The deal should net me 350-450k. Note on the house is 200k
I can then use the proceeds from the deal to buy an income property or two. (I would fix&flip but the market is not good for sales where I am)
Town approvals are never taken for granted so I am afraid somewhat that some strange unforeseen issue will cause the town to deny my subdivide or it will take so long it will exhaust my capital.
I have some Decisions To Make, Advice Appreciated. I don't have access to the 10k to do the subdivide without the pension cash out. I have no cash reserves. so has anyone done something 'risky' like this? Any guidance or horror stories? anyway to minimize my risk?
I did have another thought which was to try to find a multi unit ASAP around 75k, maybe a distress sale that is already rented and try to live off the income and leverage that if things take too long with part 2.
My wife is 'risk adverse' to put it mildly and is very nervous, I am too really. so I hope I can find some supportive cases or some sound advice to help steady our nerves.
Thanks in advance for your input!