Hello everyone I am new here and want to get started in the buisness of real estate. I am only 23 and eager to learn and do it the right way. I am in school at the moment for computers but am having a change of heart when it comes to the world of computers, do to the fact it requires a lot of money and studying for the rest of your life. I know everythning requires studying no matter what you do. But I feel I rather invest my time and money into something that will pay off instead of school promising me jobs that aren't out there and if they are you gota be the best to break in the business.
From what I have read online and from people talking seems like you don't have to be the best to start being financially successful. I don't want to make millions, it would be nice since my cousin is in this buisness and from what my mom says she is worth about 5 to 6 mill. But back to my point I don't want that I just want to be able to stand on my own two feet. I want to set goals to making realistic money. But I herd you need a plan to get started in real estate. I think I would be good at that since that's all I try to do is plan and set goals for myself. Going back to school was one of them and I have done that but it's not all it's cracked up to be in my opinion. Maybe it is if you find the right school and educators that care about sharing there wealth of knowledge and real life expierences on how to have a successful career in whatever they choose to do.
Anyway if anyone has some good useful information on what to read or the best advice to getting started in real estate with no knowledge of the business, but someone who wants to get started as soon as possible. I would really apprecaite any help you could give me, thanks! :superman: