Hi Elaine,
How wonderful that you are interested in obtaining your license, as it's such a rewarding and stimulating profession. In response to your question, I realize that regardless of which program you commit to there inevitably will be areas that you may have difficulty in answering during the test. I mention this because after studying for months for 8 hours per day, there were two things I learned while studying that had me pass the test the first time. The first is don't leave the exam room one minute early. Use the entire allotted time to go over each question meticulously. Secondly, find answers to difficult questions by searching through OTHER questions; the answer to one question may be right there. I actually answered every question that I could confidently within the first 30 minutes, the remaining time was spent organizing questions under category using the mini dry erase board they supplied, and through this process was able to find most of the answers I needed in an organized manner. Much success to you in your future 🏡