I'm sure that this has been posted here already. I just want to share the formula to new wholesalers because I have been getting deals that don't make sense for myself or my investor clients and in order for you to get a good wholesale deal to your Cash Buyers you need to know this formula. It does varies depending on your market. For this example we will use 70%
For this formula you will need to know the following:
ARV=After Repair Value ( How much will the house will sell for after making all the repairs needed)
Repair Estimate - (Send me a message and I can send you a list I got from my mentorship class for ball park estimates based on square footage and depending if you need cosmetic repairs, avarage repairs or Extreme repairs)
Your Assigment Fee
ARVx.70 - Repairs - Your Assignment FEE = Max Offer
$200,000 x .70 = $140,000 - $30,000 (repairs) - $10,000 (your profit) = $100,000 (offer)
Your potential profit is $10,000
I hope this formula helps you make offers that will make sense for all involved in the transaction.
Happy Wholesaling,
Lily Rodriguez - Investor friendly Broker