I think you need to provide more information. You were in a tough spot and were laid off. Are you still not working? I'm not sure about Canada but in the US with the "great resignation" people are writing their own tickets. More pay, work from home and retention bonuses. I think if you are both working, now that you have locked in a great rate and the $900 negative cashflow is not hurting you- keep it. Your other goals should be working as well, saving your emergency fund, investing in retirement accounts. If you're able to do that, take one more year. Increase the rent at the tenants lease renewal and take this as a lesson. Once enough time has gone by you will either break even or be able to sell without taking such a hit. Also, if Canada housing for sale supply is anything like ours, you can sell by owner and hire an attorney to do the paperwork. You will be a lot more hands on in the process, might be a great education while saving on commission.