Found an article that pretty much sums up the pros and cons. See below. If youre willing to take the risks, I would say get the biggest house you can and rent out as many rooms as you can. Would be cool if yall could even qualify for a duplex with 6 beds total...
If you decide to go in together, write down ALL of the "what-ifs," who will pay for what, and if you get into disagreements, decide ahead of time how they will be settled. Like, 1) 1 person loses their job and cant pay their share.... 2) lawnmower breaks -- are you going to replace it with a $50 mower or a $3,000 mower... 3) one of you gets a girlfriend that is now spending 5 nights/week there... 4) one of you decides to move OUT or gets moved with a job... 5) are you going ti open a joint "account" to pay for all the misc expenses for the house (there will be MANY)... 6) who's going to cut the grass? Fix the leaky faucet? Buy the lightbulbs? .... you get the picture.
Just think of it ALL ahead of time and agree to solutions ahead of time. Then theres no question how to solve problems.