jason, exactly my thoughts and my strategy here. It Is to buy a and b class properties and just get easy tenants to fill them with barely any time needed to manage them. Although, I do not buy all cash.
This is currently how things are operating for me as of right now. The idea is to build equity and wealth with as little headaches as possible. My current places are renting out for $4300 and $7500. The $4300 I’m breaking even and the $7500 I’m actually able to cash flow a little bit. Both properties 25 percent down payment on them, condominiums.(both have under $400 in hoa fees and property taxes a month)
please correct me if I’m wrong but here are my thoughts after some research and help from you on this forum here. If you are cash flowing really well, chances are you are in a place where appreciation might not be so great. If you are appreciating really well, chances are you are in a place that doesn’t cash flow well. Then there’s always property that you can purchase that do a little bit of both.
Damon, thank you so much for your tips and things to keep in mind. Much appreciated.