@Darwin D Wu You should absolutely start looking for roommates sooner rather than later regardless of the condition of the property. A bad analogy that comes to mind is when my daughter was selling girl scout cookies. Many other girl scouts wanted only to deal in cash. I told my daughter to take advertise ALL forms of payment method (credit card, paypal, venmo, etc.) because if you don't you already have lost that potential sale.
In your case, if you don't advertise early and often you are already losing out on potential roommates. Just realize that anyone that can't wait to move in or can't imagine what the property looks like when its clean and updated are likely not good fits.
Having a robust, detailed, comprehensive and thorough application screening process will address all the concerns related to choosing the wrong people.
In addition to @Johnson H. recommendations for Craiglist and Zillow, I also recommend Zumper as posting there will syndicate out to walkscore, hotpads and facebook.