There are so many hard money lenders and I know how they work. I've obtained my own equity lines through certain banks. I have some money left, but am running low until I can sell some property. Currently I own 7 investment homes, one I am rehabbing to sell. I am trying to stay away from Hard money unless I have an amazing deal I can flip fast. I don't have a list of private investors other than what I read. So what I am asking is if there are lenders that people on BP know about that give say conventional loans to investors regardless of the amount of properties they own. I know there are guideline for say Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, but I'm just wondering what you all may know that I don't. And if conventional, I would imagine they would have to be held for a certain period of time. I know, I can call banks, etc., which I will do, just checking to see what others have to say or know of anything I haven't thought of. Thanks.