Happy to see another youngin' eager to learn and jump into the commercial space. You should meet as many players in the game as possible. However, I would focus on reading as much information as possible to have intelligent conversations with the team you'll need to build. There are many books out there that'll give you everything you need to get started. My mentor once told me, "the knowledge is not the barrier, consciously applying what you learn is." To further expound on his story, the commercial space is not as difficult as advertised, but finding team members with alignment of interest is the hurdle. That is the only difference between you and the seasoned guy owning 1,000+ units (you'll be a student of the game for life). Team members include the following (but not limited to): lender, mortgage broker, investors who trust you, property management company, third party companies assisting with due diligence and more.
I'm in the Denver/Cherry Creek area, feel free to reach out and shoot me a PM.