Great dicsussion. I am in a similar situation with looking to pay off a property or keep the cash. Steve made a great comment about the feeling of not having a note on your investments, it really puts you at ease dealing with bad tenants and vancancies. Maybe you "lose" on your tax returns bu,t you would keep the 3-6% you are paying in interest in your pocket. With this said, I did leverage a property to buy two properties. The numbers all made sense but the feeling that I now have two mortages has not sat well. It has made me realize that I am more comfortable with paying off than levergaing. I know it will slow down my frequency of buying properties but it give me a better return. From my conversations with banks, if the properties cashflow and you have a good relationship with the bank, you can get loans pushed through. I also think not having mortages is helpful and reduces their "risk" in you. Thanks for posting!