@Andrew Cordle
Interesting that you were one of the responders to this post. In any event, the workshop was full of insightful information, that I can't dispute. Has me fired up! It was an awakening that I needed! So thanks! For starters, who wouldn't want the personal training after hearing your great training method. You state everyone has different needs at different levels- the need for financial freedom is CRUCIAL for me. So,I thought I should take a chance and jump in order to get myself where I want to be. However, everything that glitter isn't gold. You all do a great job at selling while not selling. When I went for the one on one all of the financial information that I gave indicated that there is no way in h.e. double hockey sticks that I should be attempting to acquire additional debt at this moment. But because you all are in business to make money (cause that's what any business is) you find ways for people like me to get what is needed so the business bottom line is met. No, no one forced me to ask for additional help with financing the $25K, I came to you asking because I know the importance of having a mentor in general and could definitely use one in this new endeavor (sidebar I never heard back from Financal Pathways after giving my info and leaving them a message to see when things stood-all before my post) But for $25K from someone that is struggling as is and in most instances robbing Peter to pay Paul and telling Uncle Sam at the same time, here's a little to keep you satisfied until. It makes no sense and seems a bit unethical but the goal is to leave with a sale, I get it. So, with due diligence, before I completely dipped my head deeper in debt I needed to check things out. I found not one positive review or anyone for that matter that rated the company or the additional education a success other than on the company website. I would think that if the 92% success rate was indeed true someone, somewhere, somehow would have boasted, bragged, and willingly posted something. Anywhere. I guess they are out doing what wealthy people do though. I know not all businesses have to be registered with the BBB, but the fact that they aren't was another red flag. NUDGE, the parent company (I think this was a slip up and mentioned mistakenly by someone) definitely didn't fair well in swaying my decision to move forward. I even checked through the testimonies that were posted and not the testimonies of the workshop but of people that furthered their education, located them via social media and told them what I was getting ready to do and no response. Again, these folks should be singing the praises of the company and their further education and encouraging others to take that journey too. I know I would.
Nothing you said sounded like a scam the principles do. As bad as I wanted to do this, with this company, I can't give y'all something I don't have. But just as you said when one door closes go to the next. The $25K is stopping me from moving forward with y'all but not on my own. Without a doubt in my mind I will learn these methods, yes at a slower rate, but I'll do what is needed to get where I want. I'm not here to bash just giving you my perspective. Thanks for taking the time to respond.