I am a student and an Indepent Marketing Affiliate with Renatus. I LOVE the Company and everything that I have gained from them. The education is top-notch, the mentorship is IMMENSE, and the income is astounding. This program is nothing like Rich Dad Poor Dad, our training is ongoing and neverending. We have meetings every single morning via Webinar, and several evenings a week as well. There are thousands of us across the country and we all work deals together. I can buy a property anywhere in the country at any time easily, by simply finding and contacting one of our teams in the area I wish to purchase in.
There is no numeric price to put on the network and mentorship. I have made incredible friends, and become a part of a massive nationwide network. The training is bar-none, and all of the dozens of instructors are millionaires. It is one thing to watch videos and read books and blogs, it is another to have experienced millionaires walk you step-by-step through all of your deals.