The driveway would be tore up to do the two walls, so it would be replaced after the walls were done. The driveway is between the two units so I would dig up the driveway and do the south wall of the one house and the north wall of the other one, back fill, grade the driveway and pour a new one that is properly pitched so water stays away from the basement. I just got that quote today and for the two walls and driveway it is $37,500. Higher than I think it should be but at least something I can entertain.
The previous owner had it for 5 years, so it may have been quoted just before they got it or maybe while they had it, but that still wouldn't prove that they would have any idea that the buildings were going to be condemned, at least not that I can prove. That conversation was apparently between the construction guy and his buddy the building inspector. I am not going to worry about that so much. I just have to learn as much as possible so I can be prepared to do the job this spring myself.
I may just keep it cash flowing and save every penny and see if I can get a few years out of it before doing anything. I want to get my money back out of it within 3 years and then start rehabbing as needed if possible. I may talk to the bank about getting an after repair value loan and see if putting the money into the foundation causes the property value to go up by the same amount or more as I am being quoted. If the value only goes up 65k and it's going to cost me 130k I am going to have to get creative and find a way to get it done for under 65k. If I get the houses jacked up and do the excavating myself I could easily save 40k based off the estimates I have. I could look into finishing the basements completely and see what it would take to make them able to rent. Lots of variables and things to consider and research. I will make it work, I just hope it isn't as big of a headache as it seems.